A Transference of Land

29 May 2024

This morning I was stunned to read this in the Revised Standard version of the Bible: 
“When the Most High apportioned the nations, when he divided humankind, he fixed the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the gods;” Deuteronomy 32:8 NRSV

According to the number of the gods!

I was surprised as I have never noticed this description before.  
I read several other versions – they refer mainly to the sons or people of Israel.  
But this talks about “the gods”.

Then I saw in NLT version: 
“When the Most High assigned lands to the nations, when he divided up the human race, he established the boundaries of the peoples according to the number in his heavenly court.”

So, the time has come again when God is going to:

  1. Divide up the human race and
  2. Re-assign lands

According to the number in His heavenly court or the gods?

I wonder who the “number” refers to. Are they the elders or saints (the “gods”) representing us in heaven,  12 for Israel, 12 for the Gentiles (us), praying and interceding for us, together in one spirit as we worship God on earth?


A Change in Geography

Whatever it is, it is talking about a division of land or reorganising boundaries i.e. geographical lines! First in the spiritual realm and then the physical realm. This is another aspect of the transference V had told me eight years ago, not just wealth, but land.

And if the Mother of All Wars happens, for sure we will see a change in the boundary lines of countries, and if it is a nuclear war, some may be obliterated altogether and erased from the world map.


Update: September 2024 
I have a book I bought about two years ago, on the reading queue, titled “The Power of Geography” by Tim Marshall. Maybe I will read it on the plane in November.

And maybe after all this, I can finish reading all the other books.  
That would be divine.


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