30/5, Sat, Day 54 of Circuit Breaker

We rejoiced on 29/5 when reports of the previous day’s infections dropped to below 400 a day, with no infections in the local community, first time since 23 Feb. New daily cases in May then had averaged about 500.


The Enemy Fights Back

However, on 30/5, we were stunned to receive news that infections have surged on 29/5 again – to above 600!

28/5: Locals: 0; Foreign Workers: 373

29/5: Locals: 3; Foreign Workers: 608!

YY: We did not stop our fast. Last night, Holy Spirit says to continue, to be vigilant, don’t be complacent.


Here We Go Again, Soldier On

The clear blue sky was still rumbling away, without any sign of lightning.

V: the battle between the angels and demons is still going on.

I cancelled my meeting with the web designer again and texted the team:

“Singapore Torchbearers, stand in the 7 places that God has placed you. Do not run here and there, do not step out of the place where God has placed you. Hold His torch in your hands and just stand. So that the holy fire of God burns brightly until the angels defeat the rest of the enemy.”


Missing a 7th Torch

I mapped out where the Torches are located and found that we have only six, with three of us surrounding Chinatown, Geylang and Little India on the North, South and West.

It seemed like we are short of the 7th Torch to flank them on their right, on the East side. But I thought KK and YY have already locked up the airport in the East? Did we leave a gap?

7 Palm Trees to Replace 7 Evil Trees

I remembered Sonia from China sent me a message last night with her drawing: 


She explained that on April 22, she was led to chop off the four demonic strongholds of the spirit of error, depression, rejection and the antiChrist spirit in Singapore under the sin nature of Idolatry. Then she saw angels surrounding Singapore and planted 7 palm trees. When I shared about the 7 evil trees, she recalled this vision of God sending out angels to surround Singapore and planted the palm trees to watch and protect our land.

I have forgotten about her drawing! This is consistent with what V told me four days ago:

7 trees shall fall tonight. And in its place 7 altars of God shall stand in its place so that the so the demon of fornication cannot return to these places.”


The Four Strongholds in the Sin Nature of Idolatry

I posted it on the group chat.

Sonia sends me another picture of the 4 strongholds represented by the 4 toothpicks, with the spirit of antiChrist in the centre of Singapore, which she “chopped off” and burned up.


These are the four levels of demonic stronghold under the Sin Nature of Idolatry in the Scorpion book (which she tagged from left to right):

  • Error (of thinking)
  • Anti-Christ
  • Heaviness/Depression
  • Rejection (the highest level)

Based on Sonia’s map with the toothpicks, Little India, Chinatown and Geylang are under the stronghold of heaviness/depression. Looking at it now, there is a gap for it to escape eastward – to the “Spirit of Rejection”, the 4th and most powerful demonic stronghold. Oh dear!


The 7th Torch was Planted in 2018!

I asked the Lord, “Where is our 7th torch?”

We need the 7th torch in the East!

I sent the team the map I sketched and asked them to also seek the Lord.

Looking through my journals for something I wanted to write for the website, I chanced upon my notes in 2018 and found the 7th Torch! It was at the Changi Fairy Point, almost next to the airport!

In May 2018, we held our retreat there with some of our China members flying in to join us. We spent our time worshipping God, sharing and fellowshipping. We also celebrated the first COBS wedding of JT and XJ.

The 7th torch, planted at the East most point of our island, is a torch of union, of joy and of love.

But JT and XJ had already left their jobs in Singapore and returned back to China to prepare for the arrival of their newborn. So who will carry this 7th torch of love to hem in the powerful strongholds of depression and rejection?

Seems like there are still loose ends to tie up.


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